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  • Writer's picturePastor Rusty Owens


“- Pastor Rusty - Aug. 22, 2023

“For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.” Acts 1:5

Experiencing the baptism of the Holy Spirit is a transaction between Jesus and His bride long before you and I were ever in the equation. A needful necessary transaction for the bride to function as He does. It is the “compatibility factor” that allows her to adorn herself “gloriously”. (Eph. 5:27). In the church world, being filled with the Holy Spirit and the baptism of the Holy Spirit are used synonymously, but they are defining two different actions that indeed can take place simultaneously but still are two different actions themselves. The word “baptized” is from the Greek word baptizo, which means “to immerse” or immersion.

When learning a new language, they use a method called “immersion”, where you are immersed into a culture that speaks the desired language and you are forced to use it. We are in a season of immersion where we are being immersed in the Holy Spirit that we might acclimate to Heaven. In the process we are also leaning to speak heaven’s language. There are many by products to being immersed. Unity and honor to name a few. With each time you allow yourself to be “immersed” into His presence, His glory, his Holy Spirit, you come away with a greater adaptation Of God eternal purpose for your life. You say, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I know and that’s sad. 🤔 But God is adorning His bride gloriously with joy. In the process she is losing her pauper’s mentality and realizing that she was chosen. Like Queen Esther was chosen from among all the other candidates. And now we are going through our final stages of preparation. “Six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with perfume and various ointments used by women.” Esther 2:12.

“Immerse Oh God, in oil again and again, until our heart’s cry is to want you and only you more than all things. Immerse us Oh God! Immerse us in your glory until “The king’s daughter is all glorious within:” Psa. 45:13. In Jesus name! Amen! – Pastor Rusty

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