- Pastor Rusty - Jan. 30, 2024
“Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her to sanctify her by cleansing her with the washing of the water by the word, so that he may present the church to himself as glorious, not having a stain or wrinkle, or any such blemish, but holy and blameless.” Eph. 5:25-27
Four months ago while in the War Room at the Glory Barn the Lord spoke to me and said, “I’m going to heal my bride!” I thought, “Ok.”🤔 Then He said, “ As a token to you that I’m going to heal my bride… I’m going to heal your bride.” Now he had my full attention. I didn’t ask how but I understood He meant He would heal everything. A week or so later my wife and I went into an unbelievable honeymoon phase. We are both in our sixties and understand that romantic dynamics generally taper of in this time of life.🧐 We are at our least attractive point in our forty-three year marriage, but against all odds we found ourselves in this phase of being at our upmost attraction to one another that defied conventional wisdom. There was no rhyme or reason for it but it happened. Four and a half months later it still persists. In the midst of this phase we decided to SOZO our marriage. You’d think this would be a honeymoon killer but once again defying all odds it did not, but rather gave fuel to the fire. My wife has dropped 49 pounds in four and a half months without dieting or fasting.🤔 (Go figure!) As a result of dropping nearly fifty pounds off her physical frame, she has lost muscle ache and bone pain as a by product. We allowed our marriage to go through a “deep cleanse” through the SOZO that uprooted conditions that effected our marriage since conception. Things came off of our marital covenant and out of our marital bed that were over fifty years in the making. Some dating back to childhood. As a result we found a natural healing that is supposed to be in place between a husband and wife that emanates from the marital bed. The natural nurturing heart of the bride is meant to heal and restore her husband and the natural covering of the husband was meant to comfort the wife with security. These are not conditions that apply to a man and a woman, but rather through the husband and a wife covenant. The marital bed was meant to be a safe place for recharging and healing. “Shalom” (peace, heath, and well being) is supposed to be present in the marital bed and a man is supposed to “cleave” to his wife and draw nurturing healing from her.
Jesus is going to heal the deep hurts and wounds of his bride and he is going to “wash” her and “cleanse” her so she can carry a greater weight of His glory.🧐 Let us pray. 🙏 “Father, cause a deep cleanse to come on your bride. Cleanse her with the blood and wash her with the water of your word. Glorify your bride in these last days. Reacquaint us with your Glory cloud! In Jesus name! Amen!” Pastor Rusty
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