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“ Do you know Him?”

Writer's picture: Pastor Belinda OwensPastor Belinda Owens

- Pastor Belinda - Sept. 23, 2024

John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Jesus lays it out plain and simple. “I am the way, the truth, and the life”. He then states that “no one comes to the Father except through me”. He leaves no room for misunderstanding. Sometimes we make it harder than it really is. Is Jesus Lord of your life? Have you asked Him to forgive your sins?

Today our waitress said she was from Romania and would be leaving to go back in a couple of weeks. I wanted to pray for her that she would have a good trip back but I mainly wanted to bring Jesus into the conversation. I am so glad I got the chance to do just that. She did let me pray over her. You never know where God will make an opportunity for you to point people to him. Watch for those opportunities.

I have a children’s book that I wrote about a young boy called “PayRu Covered in the Armor of God”. He is a martial arts student. In the book his teacher asks the class if they have received Jesus into their hearts and the boy stops and thinks back “yes I did.” One night while saying his nightly prayers his father led him in the sinners prayer.” Children who read my book are saying the salvation prayer as they are reading. It is actually that simple.

If you have not prayed a sinners prayer please do. God loves you more than you can imagine. All your hurt, all your confusion, give it to Him. He will trade you beauty for ashes. God is in the life fixing business.

Give it all to Him,

Pastor Belinda🌷


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