- Pastor Belinda🌷- Jan. 16, 2025
Yes it is! It’s His presence I long for! It’s His presence that makes the difference! In Exodus 33:15 it says “Then Moses said to him, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.” Moses knew what it was like to walk in the presence of the Lord and he did not want God to send him if God was not going as well. Once you have been in His presence and sat at His table, lukewarm church will not cut it! Life is to short to set in a dead dry church! God is offering every believer all of Him that they will take. While I sat in prayer this morning at Healing River with all the fellow warriors I heard the LORD say “how deep do you want to go?” There’s so much more we have not tasted of or seen! How deep do you want to go? Are you happy not feeling Him close to you? Or have we lied to ourselves that the dead thing we are holding onto is God? He wants you to drink of His spirit, be lost in the Holy Ghost to the point earthly things don’t matter!
He is alive! If you haven’t had a God moment lately you need to check where you are feeding. He is on the move, don’t miss Him! Give Him your all so you can drink of Him daily! Let Him be Lord of your life!
Wanting more!
Pastor Belinda🌷
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