- Pastor Belinda🌷 - Jan. 27, 2025
1 Corinthians 14:3 states, "But the one who prophesies speaks to men for their edification, encouragement, and comfort."
It was many years ago I received a prophetic word from someone and that word said “I see many books coming out of you”. In all honesty I kind of laughed and thought “yeah right. That would have to be God !” I then just put it on a shelf and left it there. I did not try to make it happen, that’s not your place. When you receive a word from the Lord just wait Nd let God bring it to pass. Years went by after the word was given to me. I would think of it from time to time but that was about it. Then one night about 7 or 8 years ago I woke up in the night and God started downloading a whole story into my mind. It was called Asher and the Super Heroes. In one night the title, story, and all came. That was my first book. Now I am currently working on book number 32 and 33! That prophetic word was right on! So when you receive a word from someone say “thank you” and wait for God to bring it to pass. Remember God who gives us prophetic words for edification, encouragement, and comfort knows you better than you know yourself.
Pastor Belinda🌷
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