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Writer's picturePastor Rusty Owens

Redeeming your Bloodline

- Pastor Rusty - Aug. 6, 2024

I had a dream a few nights ago. And in my dream I was standing in front of Prophet Clay Nash’s house in north Arkansas. I could see the Eagle’s Nest barn, In the dream it was closer in proximity to the house than in reality. Pastor Tim Snider, Chuck Davis, Shane Carder, and Clay Nash were standing along with about twelve other people outside the house in Clay’s yard. I believe these were intercessors. About 40 yards away to the southwest of us was a wall. It appeared about 8ft. tall and ran the length of the property and looked as if it was made of block and stucco, it was gray in color. There was a steel double door that simply looked primed with red primer, standing open. There were people walking through the open door. I recognized two men who came through the door. They were my uncles on my father’s side of the family. In my dream I thought it strange to see them here (one is passed). There were about 40 people that had come through and there were more coming. A voice spoke to me and said, “Redeem your bloodline!” When the voice spoke I woke up and looked at the clock… it was 3:18 in the morning.🤔 I have come to believe that I was probably related to all the people who had come through the portal (door). I’ve asked the Lord instructions on how to proceed, not assuming that there is a three step program on redeeming one’s bloodline. It’s ok to ask the Father and not make assumptions.

“Holy Father, help me redeem my bloodline… show me my role in this. Do not let me be as Esau who wanted the blessing but dispised his birthright. Help me own it and redeem it in Jesus name. Amen!” Pastor Rusty

(Image created by Belinda with Microsoft AI)

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