- Pastor Belinda🌷- Aug. 15, 2024
I released a dream I had from the Lord on Aug. 9th concerning the White Stone Conference that will be held here in Branson on Aug. 23rd with Clay Nash & Dutch Sheets. In the dream the Lord emphasized the importance of partaking. The need to put your feet under His table and eat. Then in the dream the water begin to flood in as we had eaten from His table. As the water roared in the angel said “drink the water!” This intake of food and water caused a shift in the realm we have functioned in to a new level! The change was so big that in the dream I had to grab a stool on rollers to be able to get to all of the people that were now on the floor needing deliverance. This event had caused a break through! People were now seeking after God! They were wanting change in their lives. After eating the food from His table, after drinking the water of the spirit that flooded in, we encountered a shift in our world as we had gone thru the rooms. Just as we experienced in the past moves of God in the Pensacola revival, the Toronto blessing, there was a hunger that came into the people as they reached for God. They were being satisfied as they touched the hem of his garment. This is going to happen again. We as leaders need to prepare. If we don’t have it in us, if we don’t take the food and drink the water, we will have nothing to give them. We need to be able to carry what they need, and pour it out before them as they seek God‘s face. We must go up the mountain as Moses did, we must have a supernatural encounter with God or we will have nothing to feed the hungry masses.
6 The husbandman that laboureth must be first partaker of the fruits. 2 Timothy 2:6
The proverbial saying ‘You are what you eat’ is the notion that to be fit and healthy you need to eat good food. The originator of ‘You are what you eat’
was Anthelme Brillat-Savarin.
His version was ‘Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are.’ This applies to the spiritual side as well. Just saying’… we must be eating from His table.
I do not think this is the only place that you can eat from His table. But this is a table spread by Him which you have the opportunity to consume. How hungry are you?
Be a carrier thru partaking!
Pastor Belinda🌷
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(Image created by Belinda with Microsoft AI)