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Writer's picturePastor Rusty Owens

The Sanctuary

- Sept. 27, 2024 - Pastor Rusty

“And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them.” Exo. 25:8

The commission of God for the people of Israel was to make sanctuary for Him (YeHova) to dwell among His people. That word “sanctuary” is from the Hebrew word מִקְדָּשׁ (miqdash) “a sacred place”.🧐 It means more than just a dwelling place, it means a place Consecrated for His dwelling.🤔 The tabernacle (mishkan) that was to host the Ark of God, the Holy Place, and the Holiest of Holies, was to have four coverings. This was a shadow of what was to come. For four hundred years this was the dwelling place for YeHova. There were four coverings to accomplish this task of making a dwelling to host His glory.

The outer covering was from animal skins. The translations range from badger skins to seals. It most likely wasn’t cosmetically appealing from the outside as much as it was highly functional for the shedding of the elements. This was the most visible of all the coverings and I believe it reveals the governmental covering that is to be in place for hosting His glory. Apostle, prophets, pastors, teachers, and evangelist that represent the government of the church. Unfortunately the modern church has replaced kingdom government with denominationalism. We are sorely mistaken, if not ignorant, if we think this is an equivalency substitute for kingdom government. This will NEVER host His glory. When the world sees our denominationalism substituting God’s original intent for the church (Kingdom structure), we are circumventing our ability to fulfill the mandate of hosting His glory. If we learned anything from the revivals of the 90’s it was that our political structure in the church could not host the glory of God. For God does not dwell in houses made by man’s hands. He does not dwell in systems that are man made structures either.🤔 (Acts 7:48) God has his own government, His own structure, you will not circumvent this covering and come to a favorable outcome.

Pastor Rusty

Image from Pixabay

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