- Pastor Rusty - April 19, 2024
“I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?” Luke 12:49 KJV
“Have come to cast fire upon the earth; and how I wish it were already kindled!” Luke 12:49 NASB
What we long for has already begun! Fire on the altar, fire on the house; Holy fire, the Spirit of burning is falling. It is said that the word “seraphim” is the plural of “seraph” which are the “burning ones” that minister before the throne of God day and night, declaring, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is The LORD of Host…” Isa. 6:1-4. I believe seraphim have entered the realm of man. I base this on a word the Lord spoke to me a year and a half ago. It was during a Friday night burn service. The Lord said there was a seraph the house… a “burning angel” of the LORD. A short time after that the Lord said, “Repair the altar of the LORD!” (1 Kings 18:30). So, by faith we restored the altars to the house. Then I heard, “Let the God who answers by Fire… Let Him be God!” (1 Kings 18:24). Since that time, we have seen fire on the altars, fire on the house! Is this fire transferable?🤔 Most definitely!
“Holy Father, send Holy Fire on the house of God everywhere. Send a Spirit of burning on the house. Baptize in the Holy Ghost and with Fire.🔥 Restore fire on the altars throughout your kingdom! In Jesus name! Amen!” Pastor Rusty
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Sooo good