- June 24, 2024 - Pastor Belinda🌷
And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. Matthew 8:26
With 💥wild faith💥 you can shift the atmosphere. You don’t have to let the demonic spirits around you control the feeling that is evident in your space. Take control with the word, blood of Jesus, and 💥wild faith💥and bind the demonic activity and release the presence of the Lord. Greater is He that is in you! Activate! Release and see the angelic realm come in and remove the oppressive, down trodden, depressive atmosphere!
When the storm came up the disciples awoke Jesus! Jesus said “O ye of little faith!” Jesus spoke to the storm and it obeyed. We have prayed several storms away over the years. You can as well if you have faith and release it! Be vocal! Until Jesus commanded the storm to stop it was stormy, but when he released the command the storm stopped. Change your storm, change your atmosphere. Activate your faith and release it into the situation.
I learnt to speak to the storms by watching my dad do it. As a young girl I walked beside him outside of our gospel tent. I watched him raise his hand and declare, “not here, and not now! Satan you will not come thru this tent!” And I watched as the tornado would redirect and go around us leaving us and the tent untouched! Yes it works, but you must believe, and you must release!
“ Lord teach us to have faith and how to release it! Show us your miracle working power! Give us 💥wild faith💥! In Jesus name! Amen!”
- Pastor Belinda🌷
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