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Writer's picturePastor Belinda Owens

💥Wild faith!💥What is it good for?

- Pastor Belinda - June 6, 2024

Wild faith💥 is good for believing the impossible when doctors tell you that you are finished! Wild faith💥 is good for causing the heavens to back you when man has written you off! Wild faith💥 will move that mountain when a bull dozer couldn’t! Wild faith💥 will cause you to walk on water! Wild faith💥 will bring deliverance to a demonically tormented person! Wild faith💥 is what you need when all hope is gone!

Nothing is over until God says it is over. Don’t look at what it looks like, look at what God’s word says about it. Believe, activate your faith and release it to bring forth the impossible.

Matthew 21:💥22 And whatever you ask in prayer, if you believe, you will receive.”💥NET

I know some of you have heard this testimony but I need to share it again. I was asked to go to a little bamboo hut with my Nicaraguan pastor to pray over a man who was dying. They knew he was dying and yes it was obvious. Was I looked he was skin and bones. Curled up on a piece of plywood with just a few covers over him. He looked hopeless in my eyes. But he looked healed in the eyes of wild faith! So, I prayed, we all prayed. We asked God to raise him up from this death bed. We prayed for life and not death.

In my heart I said “ Lord if he is healed let him ask for something to eat”. When we finished praying he said in a soft whisper, “plantain por favor”. He had asked for some food! Plantain is a type of banana looking food that they fry up and eat. I knew he had been healed!

A few days latter I asked our host pastor about him, and how he was doing. He said “ oh! he is up and working and doing good!” I said “so he isn’t dying?” And he said, “no! He is good!”

💥Wild faith💥released and met by the healing hand of God makes miracles! Yes there are miracles, why don’t we see more of them? Let me ask you, “when is the last time you prayed for a dying man and released wild faith?” That’s why. We must ask to receive. I heard Bill Johnson say once “you pray for 199 who don’t receive and then you pray for number 200 and they get healed. If you had stoped praying at 199 because of discouragement you would have never seen the next one who did get healed”. Wild faith💥that is activated, will see results. Pray for the sick, believe for healing and God will meet you there. He is a God who can do miracles!

Believe and you will see!

Pastor Belinda💥

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